

Coto TechnologyInc.(以下“Coto”)は、Cotoのスイッチまたはリレーおよびその他の小信号スイッチング製品の出荷日から6ヶ月または18ヶ月の期間(以下「保証期間」という))、製品には材料および製造上の欠陥がないことを保証とします。この保証は、火災、洪水、風水、雷などの災害、または不適切な保管、設置、使用、保守などCoto以外の者の行為または不作為によって引き起こされた欠陥には適用されません。明示または暗示に関わらず他のすべての保証:法律の適用、取引の経緯、貿易の適用、またはその他の方法によって生じたものは排除されます。商品性や特定の目的への適合性の黙示の保証は一切ありません。保証期間中に顧客が製品の材料または製造上の欠陥を発見した場合、その発見から5日以内にCotoに書面で通知し、製品がCotoの推奨に従ってインストール、保守および操作されていたことを実証願います。 Cotoは、(オプションで)欠陥のある製品を修理または交換するか、欠陥のある製品の購入価格を顧客が保有する製品の一部の価値より払い戻します。製品の修理または交換は、保証期間を延長するものではありません。これらの救済措置は、製品に関する保証の違反に対する訴えに対して、顧客からCotoへの排他的救済措置を構成します。

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Coto Technology

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(Japanese Translation) Replacing Hall Effect Sensors with TMR Sensors – How and Why

RedRock Tunneling Magnetoresistive (TMR) sensors are a great alternative to Hall Effect Sensors. Understand the benefits of TMR sensors over Hall Effect Sensors, including availability, cost effectiveness, and same fit/form packaging for drop-in replacement. With recent supply chain shortages of Hall Sensors, more design engineers are turning to TMR technology to replace Hall in active designs. Watch now to see why and how this can be done with minimal difficulty, including a live demonstration showing activation of Hall vs. TMR. Please also note that Coto Technology has Application Support engineers specializing in replacing other technologies with TMR in new or existing designs. Simply contact them at redrock@cotorelay.com or appsupport@cotorelay.com . Visit Coto Technology's website Resource Library for our vast library of applications notes, white papers, video, etc. for Coto product lines of Sensors, Switches, Solid State Relays and Reed Relays.

Understanding TMR Technology - using RedRock® DemoBoard (2022)

A variety of low-power digital and analog (linear) sensors are demonstrated for performance and sensitivity. Using the RR1EK3-0003 RedRock® TMR Magnetic Switch/Sensor DemoBoard, a Coto App Engineer delivers an informative demo of the low-power RedRock® TMR magnetic sensors in language you can understand.

Security Sensors - Using RedRock® TMR Magnetic Sensors in Security Applications

Security applications use magnetic sensing in their devices to detect the unauthorized opening of a door or window. The main mechanism typically consists of a digital magnetic sensor and a magnet that are close to each other when the door/window is closed. In the event of an intrusion, the magnet moves away from the sensor, an action which is designed to trigger an alarm. While the application is fairly simple, the requirements of the sensor are significant. Featuring RedRock® TMR magnetic sensors’ extremely low power consumption, high sensitivity, ultra-miniature size and high degree of robustness and reliability, this brief video demonstrates TMR to be the ideal solution when used in security devices.

Device "Wake-Up" Sensors - using RedRock® TMR Magnetic Sensors

To conserve battery power, many devices are kept “asleep” or turned off until the time is right for them to operate. When the device is removed from its enclosure, a sensor is used to trigger its “wake-up.” In this brief video, this function is explained and demonstrated using a RedRock® TMR magnetic sensor within a medical pill camera device which requires the sensor to be tiny, highly sensitive and able to operate within a hermetically-sealed environment while using nearly zero power.


RedRock® TMR magnetic sensors can be used in a wide variety of proximity applications such as detecting the opening/closure of an automatic sliding gate or detecting position of a linear actuator or a conveyor belt. This brief video demonstrates an example using feedback from a TMR sensor to stop a moving motor. Requirements met by the TMR sensors are high reliability, extremely low current drain (which is important if the device is battery powered) and a high level of sensitivity.

Overview - Gen 2.0 TMR Demo Board (Tony Parakka)

Coto Technology Applications Engineer, Tony Parakka, provides a peek at Coto's newest 2.0 Generation demo board featuring RedRock TMR magnetic sensor products: RR111 (Analog Output); RR120 (Digital Unipolar Sensor); RR121 (Bipolar Digital Latching) and RR121 (Digital Omnipolar ). This video serves as a basic overview of the different products. Engineers can opt to see more in-depth, functional discussions on each individual product in Coto's new 4-video series of Engineering Discussions.

ENGINEERING DISCUSSION: TMR Analog Output Magnetic Sensor [RR111]

Soon to be released, the RedRock RR111 is an Analog Output TMR Magnetic Sensor. Tony Parakka (Application Engineer from Coto Technology) provides a whiteboard talk followed by a live demonstration. By an engineer, for an engineer! More info on this product will soon be available! Contact Coto if you would like immediate assistance.

ENGINEERING DISCUSSION: RedRock Digital Bipolar Latching Magnetic Sensor [RR121]

Learn more about the RedRock Digital Bipolar Latching TMR Magnetic Sensor. Tony Parakka (Application Engineer from Coto Technology) provides a whiteboard talk followed by a live demonstration. By an engineer, for an engineer! Download the datasheet on this product.

ENGINEERING DISCUSSION: RedRock Digital Unipolar TMR Magnetic Sensor [RR120]

Learn more about the RedRock Digital Unipolar TMR Magnetic Sensor [RR120] Tony Parakka (Application Engineer from Coto Technology) provides a whiteboard talk followed by a live demonstration. By an engineer, for an engineer! Download the datasheet on this product.

RedRock TMR Magnetic Sensors Get EVEN SMALLER with LGA-4 Package

Coto Technology is now offering its RedRock TMR magnetic sensor in a tiny LGA-4 package (sized at 1.4x1.4x0.45mm) with smaller options also available on request.

RedRock TMR Magnetic Sensor Demonstrated by Tim Resker at Sensors Expo 2017

Tim Resker of Coto Technology discusses RedRock TMR Magnetic Sensors at Sensors Expo 2017. RedRock sensors are demonstrated using a product evaluation board as well as a fluid level sensor demo.

Coto Technology Provides General Overview of RedRock TMR Magnetic Sensors

Coto Technology featured RedRock TMR magnet sensors at Sensors Expo 2017.

RedRock TMR Magnetic Sensor Level Sensing Demo vs. Reed Technology

A Liquid Level Sensing application is featured using a level sensing demo which compares the typical use of older technology (reed switches) with the smaller, more efficient, precise, cost-effective TMR magnetic sensor technology.

What Exactly is TMR? (Tunneling Magnetoresistance)

A demonstration of TMR is featured, using an evaluation demo board and Coto’s RedRock TMR magnetic sensors.

RedRock TMR Evaluation Board Demonstration

Dr. Stephen Day, Ph.D. provides a hands-on demonstration of the RedRock TMR (Tunnel Magnetoresistance) evaluation board, which features the RR110 TMR Analog Sensor and the RR130 TMR Digital Sensor. (The RR120 is also explained) Mechanical explanation and differentiation between the products is offered.

Introduction to Reed Switches, Magnets & Magnetic Fields

This brief introductory video offers design tips for electronic engineers designing with reed switches. Dr. Stephen Day, Ph.D. offers a brief overview on reed switches with a detailed explanation as to how they react to magnetic fields. Also covered is how to select a magnet for your particular application.



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Coto Technology